Estreno emotivo para Alderson en el torneo del G4D Tour de Sotogrande

Steven Alderson tuvo que contener las lágrimas tras su emotiva victoria en el G4D Tour @ Estrella Damm N.A. Andalucía Masters para proclamarse primer campeón autista de la historia del G4D Tour.

El australiano salió el segundo día con dos golpes de ventaja en el Real Club de Golf Sotogrande y terminó firmando una tarjeta de 70 para imponerse por nueve con un resultado de -7.

Alderson   ̶ Spud para los amigos ̶  llegó muy confiado al Real Club de Golf Sotogrande después de ganar el South Australian All Abilities Championship por tres golpes en Kooyonga a finales de septiembre.

Spud juega un handicap 1,4 y en su palmarés figuran otros títulos importantes como el South Australian Mid Amateur Men's Championship 2020 y el Webex Players Series de Australia del Sur 2023.

No ha sido un camino fácil, y a sus 44 años luchaba contra las lágrimas al recordar los años de acoso que sufrió por su autismo.

«No puedo estar más orgulloso», afirmó. «Después de haber sido un niño autista acosado en el colegio e incluso en los clubes de golf, esto lo significa todo para mí. Estoy en la cima del mundo».

«Tener la oportunidad de jugar fuera de mi país representando a Australia y a mi gente es simplemente increíble». 

Ahora Alderson volverá a recorrer el mundo después de haberse ganado el puesto en la G4D Tour Series Finale @ DP World Tour Championship in Dubai, el evento final de la temporada, y expresó su agradecimiento a quienes le han ayudado en su viaje.

«Quiero dar las gracias a mis padres que me han apoyado siempre; a mis patrocinadores de Willunga, Gully Winds Wine. Rob y Sarah, una pareja extraordinaria». 

«A mi caddie Trent (Blucher), sin él esto no hubiera sido posible; y al Willunga Golf Club, al que me siento orgulloso de pertenecer».

«Sotogrande es un campo fantástico y la gente aquí es realmente amable. España es un gran país». 

Después de hacer eagle en el 2, Alderson alderson terminó los nueve primeros con tres birdies más y un solo bogey para llegar a -9. 

Tropezó en el 15 donde tuvo que meter un pat larguísimo para doble bogey y perdió otro golpe en el siguiente, pero un birdie en el 17 le aseguró una contundente victoria .

«He trabajado muy duro últimamente, y en Ia vuelta de entrenamiento. Hemos mantenido nuestro plan de juego aunque fallé un par de golpes en la recta final. Mi caddie ha estado extraordinario toda la semana y me ha ayudado a mantenerme en el presente cuando fallé. Hace unos años probablemente habría roto un palo o tirado la bolsa al agua, en cambio pude mantenerme en el momento presente, y meter ese pat gigante fue increíble».  

El italianio Davide Fasci firmó un 68, la mejor vuelta del día, para quedar segundo empatado en +2 con el francés Mathieu Lebon.

El evento final de la temporada del G4D Tour será la G4D Tour Series Finale @ DP World Tour Championship, que se jugará en Dubái del 11 al 13 de noviembre.

Las entradas para el Estrella Damm N.A. Andalucía Masters, ya están disponibles, con descuentos para federados y acceso gratuito para los menores de 13 años, y se pueden adquirir aquí.

El Estrella Damm N.A. Andalucía Masters, torneo del DP World Tour valedero para la Race to Dubai que se celebra gracias a la imprescindible colaboración del Real Club de Golf Sotogrande, está patrocinado por Estrella Damm y la Junta de Andalucía, además de estar cofinanciado con fondos europeos y haber sido declarado acontecimiento de excepcional interés público por el Gobierno de España.


Alderson claims emotional first G4D Tour title in Spain

The Australian entered day two at Real Club de Golf Sotogrande with a two-shot lead but ended it with a nine-shot victory after a round of 70 left him at seven under.

Affectionately known as Spud, Alderson arrived at Real Club de Golf Sotogrande full of confidence having won the South Australian All Abilities Championship by three shots over the field at Kooyonga in late September.

The 1.4 handicapper is no stranger to big wins, announcing himself to a wider golf audience with victory in the 2020 South Australian Mid Amateur Men's Championship, and last year winning the Webex Players Series South Australia.

It has not been an easy journey for the 44-year-old and he was fighting back tears after claiming victory as he recalled suffering years of bullying due to his autism.

"I'm so proud," he said. "Just growing up as a kid and being bullied all the time at school and even bullied at other golf clubs, it just means the world. I'm on top the world, it's just amazing.

"Getting the opportunity to play out of the country representing not only Australia but representing the people back home, it's just awesome."

Alderson will now have another chance to travel the world after earning his place at the season-ending G4D Tour Series Finale @ DP World Tour Championship in Dubai, and he was quick to thank those who had helped him on his journey.

"I've got to thank mum and dad all the way," he said. "And my sponsors back in Willunga, Gully Winds Wine. A great couple Rob and Sarah, they're probably awake now, thank you.

"I've got to thank my caddie Trent (Blucher), without him this is not happening. And I've got to thank Willunga Golf Club as well back at home, just a great golf club to be a part of.

"It (Sotogrande) is a fantastic, fantastic golf course and the people here are just really friendly and inviting, it's a great country."

Alderson eagled the second and when he added three more birdies and a single bogey to get to nine under, he was romping home.

He needed a huge putt on the 15th to keep the damage to just a double-bogey and while he dropped a shot on the next, he birdied the 17th for an emphatic win.

"I've worked hard on my game the past couple of weeks and worked really hard in my practice round," he said. "We stuck to the game-plan even when we hit a couple of bad shots down the stretch.

"We just tried to get it back in play which didn't quite happen but one long putt helps. My caddie Trent has just been awesome all the way this week. Staying in the moment, especially when we had that double on that hole, Trent was really good because years ago I just would have blown up and probably broke a club or thrown my bag or something like that.

"It was really good to stay in the moment and stay positive and just try and get it out of the bunker and not rack up an eight or a nine. Holing that monster putt for double just makes it better.

"That was probably my most important putt in this tournament, it was more important than a birdie putt or my chip-in yesterday."

Italian Davide Fasci carded the round of the day with a 68 to share second with Frenchman Mathieu Lebon, who carded a 77.

The final event of the G4D Tour season will be the G4D Tour Series Finale @ DP World Tour Championship, taking place in Dubai from November 11-13. 

Tickets for the Estrella Damm N.A. Andalucía Masters are already available, with discounts for members of the federation (and their families/friends) and free access for children under 13, and can be purchased here.

The Estrella Damm N.A. Andalucía Masters, an event in the DP World Tour’s Race to Dubai made possible by the essential contribution of the Real Club de Golf Sotogrande, is sponsored by Estrella Damm and the Junta de Andalucía, jointly funded by the EU and was declared Event of Exceptional Public Interest by the Government of Spain.