Todas las novedades sobre la temporada de polo en Sotogrande

El Periódico de Sotogrande spoke to one of the main people in charge of polo in Sotogrande, José María Fernández, in order to find out what state the season is in and what chance there is of holding the International Tournament this summer

At the moment and if the legislation permits, will the polo season in Sotogrande kick off directly with its regular schedule or as all the scenarios are already pointing to, directly and only with the celebration of the International Tournament?

The health emergency has also affected the regular schedule of Santa María Polo Club and we have had to cancel several tournaments in the spring season. We have to continue to await the decisions that the administrations take regarding how we emerge from this crisis. It is necessary to bear in mind that horses need a period of training before returning to competition and to get back into optimal physical condition. However, from an operational perspective we are ready to return to activity as soon as possible, our pitches are in optimal condition for playing.

Would it be possible to consider a top level competition with certain control of crowds and maintaining safe distances? Bearing in mind the spacious facilities at Santa María Polo Club and its enormous possibilities.

As we mentioned previously, we are waiting to find out if we can hold sporting competitions and the conditions that they should be held under. According to them, we will analyse the conditions always thinking of the safety of our polo players, workers and public in attendance. That we have, and having everything outdoors will always be a positive factor to take into consideration, we are the first people who want to have activity at the club, but always while respecting the measures that the administrations impose, and as we mentioned, the safety of all the participants.

How would it affect restaurants and shopping and recreation?

It is still too early to know the impact that the pandemic could have on the design of the tournament in terms of details. In any case, the range of shopping, recreation and of any kind will adapt to the possibilities that exist at the time and the conditions outlined by the authorities, as you would expect.

In the best case scenario, what dates are you considering?

Santa María Polo Club has not changed the scheduled dates for the 49th edition of the International Polo Tournament. We are working to organise the competition as we await the development of events and the measures to be adopted by authorities. According to these variables, we will take the relevant decisions, which we will punctually report on.

MB Polo vs La Indiana, Polo en Sotogrande.

If it is necessary to change schedules, what other periods are being considered? Could they be extended or moved to a certain extent towards September? Could certain competitions in spring that have been postponed be recovered during the autumn period?

There are different options according to the scenarios that arise. There are no absolute certainties. We have the ability to adapt to the circumstances and make the relevant changes following exhaustive analysis of the options, and above all according to the availability of teams.

There is talk that the English polo season could move some weeks to the month of August. How much would this situation affect Sotogrande and the composition of attractive fixtures of teams and star players?

Dubai Vs La Indiana. Polo en Sotogrande

We are working with the dates already announced and we repeat that our aim is to hold the highest possible level of tournament.

Are you considering any scenario of a 2020 without polo in Sotogrande? There are reasons to be optimistic in Sotogrande due to its setting and climate, ideal for the de-escalation of isolation. Is it possible to be positive in relation to having polo in Sotogrande?

Our hope is for Sotogrande to once again enjoy polo, we are aware of how badly many people are finding this, and the fact of being able to have competitions would mean that things are going better, and that would be fantastic news for everyone, but we need to continue to pay attention to what the administrations indicate, and keep our feet on the ground, the main thing now is the safety of people, and being prepared for any scenario that may arise. We want to take this chance to express our thanks for the effort of society, and above all the people who are facing up to the challenge every day and who are helping us to overcome this health emergency together.